removing a grand action

Greg Newell
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 12:26:55 -0500

Speaking of moving and such, I wonder if any of you would care to share a 
schedule of charges that you may have developed in your moving business. Is 
there some kind of formula that you follow such as 1st floor to 1st floor 
within X miles is $___? I realize that some of this is kind of a hip shoot 
as you never quite know what your facing until you get to the piano but 
some idea of a starting place would be quite helpful. Thanks in advance!

Greg Newell

At 11:11 AM 1/6/2006, you wrote:
>New Haven
>Movers Supply House (MSH)
>At 09:40 PM 1/5/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>>Sid has the right idea - you should have movers pads at the ready - 
>>available at your favorite piano supply store - or a local Northern Tool 
>>And Equipment store..although these are not as thick as the supply house 
>>-Phil Bondi(Fl)
>>pianotech list info:
>pianotech list info:

Greg Newell
Greg's piano Forté 

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