Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 22:27:00 -0800

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Carl said: "Question: Since it is 2 inches from the rear bridge pin to the hitch pin, 
if I ground down the plate enough to use vertical hitch pins, would I get 
enough improvement to make it worth while? Any thoughts on what kind of 
bass string loops to use?"


Carl Meyer PTG assoc
Santa Clara, Ca.

Carl, I'm not Del, but I've had limited succes with the use of German Loops on a similar situation. (The sound was "less bad"<G>) My next project will probably involve vertical hitch pins as well. I'll let y'all know once I get it done.<G> 

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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