removing a grand action
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 02:49:35 +0000

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Thank you Phil for you suggestion too.  I'm going to see if Schaff sells them.  My idea is that I could clean out pianos. I've done office cleaning and gereral cleaning for years, and cleaning a piano is somewhat different in the agens used etc, the idea is the same, clean as the result.  I hate when people use pledge on a piano . UGH!!  I t makes me want to pull my hair out, and thats not good since my receding hairline now shines when JC Penny takes our family photo. :)]

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Phil Bondi <> 

> Sid has the right idea - you should have movers pads at the ready - 
> available at your favorite piano supply store - or a local Northern Tool 
> And Equipment store..although these are not as thick as the supply house 
> blankets. 
> -Phil Bondi(Fl) 
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