adhesive for ivories
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 21:30:37 EST

<<  Pvc-e and eva have good characteristics for bonding non-porous 

materials to porous materials. Spray painting the keystick with white paint 

clogs the pores in the wood and leads to a poor glue joint especially when  >>

    I have been using PVC-E on ivory for years.  Never found anything better. 
 It has great strength, and its slight flexibility seems to sidestep any sort 
of dimensional changes due to humidity,etc. 
    Whiting works well, but not in as a glue.  It is used as a glue sizing 
layer.  When needed,  I make a thin,very white glue, and paint it on the key.  
Let dry.  Lightly  sand down the nap and reapply glue.  Clamp ivory.  Wait.  
etc.  Once the whiting is part of the dry sizing, it will not creep and it will 
remain very white under the ivory. 
Ed Foote RPT

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