Message for Marshall

Dave Davis
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 09:30:37 -0800 (PST)

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  You mentioned that there are 8 piano technicians in your town. Is one an RPT that is connected with the local music store? If so, see if you can develop a student-relationship with him or her, I would expect that the store will let you "practice for free" on their older trade-ins if you have some supervision. As you gain experience, and prove your ability, you will have your foot in the door to provide store-tunings for $$$, and then progress to warranty tunings and referrals.
  I'm glad you realize the benefits of hands-on training with an RPT. Like you, I was unable to attend a residence school, but was fortunate to have willing members of my PTG Chapter help me along. I always offered to pay for the training or help. I was able to hook up with two music stores and worked as an apprentice in an RPT's shop due to my connection with the folks in my local chapter.
  Two keys to being successful; practice a bunch, and don't rush it. 
  Best wishes,
  Dave Davis, RPT 
  Marshall wrote:
  I checked with the Chicago school, they do not have the equipment to 
with the sight impaired.  I did however train for nine weeks with an 
RPT in 
Chicago and as soon as voc rehab comes through I"m going back to learn 
aspects of repair and string replacement.  His hands on gave me a boost 
my learning that's for certain.

I contacted a store about floor tuning, our only music store.:)  this 
is pitiful.  Anyway, I thought I'd wait and get my speed up before I 
them again.  What do you guys think? Should I wait until my speed is up 
I Have a frew refrences under my belt?

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