Working while tuning

Susan Kline
Wed, 04 Jan 2006 23:50:08 -0800

At 09:34 PM 1/4/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>On a related subject, I did have someone recently who wanted me to
>"audition" for a tuning.  They wanted to come and watch me tune another
>piano to see whether or not I was doing it to their satisfaction.
>David Love

I think I would tell them "Maņana", in Guy's sense ...

When I was fresh out of school and people would ask, I
stretched a point and said I had been tuning since 1978 (the
year the course started.) That at least gave me two years
of experience from the first day of my business.

However, the tuning for money which I did during the second year
of the course was open and above-board. I told people I
was studying tuning in Toronto. They had me tune anyway.


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