Silly Question #1 - What I Found

Rick Bazemore
Tue, 3 Jan 2006 19:41:46 -0800 (PST)

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Got to the house locked and loaded and ready for any problem.  Removed the action easy enough as well as the wooden strip that held the hammers secure for moving.  
  I was not expecting to find  2/3's (bass and treble) of the keys jammed up off of the key pins and skewed to the left.  Went ahead and completely pulled the action and placed it on the kitchen island (with customer's permission) for a closer look.  Of course, I took digital pictures before removing the action.  Next, I removed the stack and all the affected keys. Could not find any evidence of damage to action, keys, case or otherwise, so I returned the keys to their proper position and fortunately everything just fell into place and functioned perfectly.  Even the hammerline was straight as could be (with shanks just off the rest felts) with no adjustments required.  Put the action back in and proceeded with tuning which went fine.
  I am curious to hear what some you think might have happened to cause such a phenomenom as well as your opinions as to whether or not whatever trauma caused this might lead to problems later on.
  Thanks to all who offered assistance!

Rick Bazemore, RPT
Social Circle, GA
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