New Years Resolution

Susan Kline
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 12:52:32 -0800

At 08:31 PM 1/2/2006 +0000, you wrote:
>When replying to the list, do I hit reply all or just reply?

Hi, Rick

Just hit "reply" -- but then, also check the "To:" line of your
new post. It sometimes automatically puts an individual's address
there, with the pianotech one afterwards. If I remember to look,
I always delete the individual's address, so my reply goes only
to the list. Otherwise, people get confused about whether or not
we're writing in public.

If I wish to reply off-list to anyone, I always open a new message,
and paste the address in, instead of clicking on "reply".  Too
many times "private" responses with "OFF LIST!!" in the subject
line show up in pianotech.


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