New Year's rant

Susan Kline
Sun, 01 Jan 2006 20:31:59 -0800

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At 08:03 PM 1/1/2006 -0800, you wrote:

>I'd like to think that there is a real possibility of balance where you 
>feel adequately compensated, don't have to hustle for every nickel and 
>dime, don't feel like you are giving it away, don't feel guilty about a 
>six figure income, can live wherever you please and have time for other 
>things in your life besides pianos.
>David Love

Agreed. Possible? -- given good skills, good health, a region where high 
fees are normal, and a lot of efficient habits. If six figures is what it 
takes to live decently in your area, and people have enough money to 
compensate you at that scale, no reason at all to feel guilty about getting 
six figures. Not my style, not my chosen region, never will be -------- but 
that doesn't matter. Enjoy, enjoy.

There are certain innate advantages in living where costs aren't that high 
-- mainly tax-related.

Happy New Year, David.

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