Trailer ideas?

Hazen Bannister
Sun, 01 Jan 2006 18:04:42 -0500

  I agree with the double back doors, and the e-track on the sides.I 
have three rows of e-track on mine, so I can secure it across the top, 
middle, and bottom. The reason is some smaller pianos are hard to secure 
on top, and  across the middle, because  the music desk won't lay back. 
I use
two 8' steel c-channel rails, instead of a ramp. With these the dolly 
wheels follow the track right up or down, so you can push or pull, and 
not worry about where the wheels are on the ramp. Also they're a lot 
easier for me to carry than the ramp. I have two holes drilled on the 
floor at the back of the trailer, the correct width of the dolly wheels, 
and I insert pins in the holes to secure the rails to the trailer. Don 
Valley turned me on to the rails, and they're a lot better for me than 
ramps when you get used to them, and a lot safer I think. I got the 
local metal fab. buisness to cut the rails, and weld the correct angle 
on the ends.I had a fabricator cut a slot the width of the dolly +, in  
the middle of my trailer, and attach a piece on the door that covers it 
when closed.This is great when you have a grand piano on a skid board, 
coming down into the trailer at a very steep angle, so height won't be 
an issue getting into the door.
Hazen Bannister

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