Up & down vs; side to side string motion was; false beats from ?? -...

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Sat, 31 Dec 2005 21:34:08 -0600

> ............which brings me back to the suggestion that more substantial 
> bridge pins and their seating could benefit top trebles enormously in 
> the conventional piano. 
> ric

Not mass, but stiffness, is the primary reason I consider #6 bridge 
pins useless in piano bridges. Seating (after the initial stringing, 
and putting everything where you want it) is irrelevant, if 
everything else is where it belongs. I also recommend laminated 
bridge caps, to keep the pins from getting loose, and the notch edge 
from crushing in the first place. As usual, the archives have a 
whole lot of this stuff, times dozens, with details.

Ron N

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