
Richard Brekne
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 00:47:11 +0100

re: soundboards
Richard Brekne <>
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 00:38:44 +0100


> The real question of whether a new soundboard will sound as good as an
> old soundboard can't really be answered.  It depends on the condition of
> the old board versus the successful execution of the new board.

And really... when it comes down to it... more then anything else,  its 
the ear of the beholder that decides what is <<better>> or not.

> There undoubtedly are cases where an old board sounds as good or even 
> better
> than a new one.  All other things being equal, however, a new board will
> sound better than a 100-year-old board.  Even with less than perfect
> execution, the new board will most likely still sound better.  It's rare
> that I've heard a 100-year-old board that was still doing its job it is
> supposed to do.  And on a D, maybe less than rare.  So, I'll take my
> chances on the new one every time.     
I'm sure that most people would Dave. Myself included probably... tho I 
reserve the right to make exceptions at any time. But still...the whole 
concept of <<better>>.... subjective as heck really.  I simply have to 
allow for each and every individual to decide that based on their own 
tastes.  But ... I'll admit the vast majority of folks would line up on 
the  <<new one>> side.  Statistics....


> David Love

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