This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment What's even more unfortunate is, the fello who did/does this has the biggest piano tuning business in Panama. He uses an old Conn Strobo tuner and messes up the tunings too. He has a degree in music, so everyone calls him Professor. Unfortunately, a degree on the trumpet does not qualify him as a piano tech. How he got into the business, I will never know, but there sure are a lot of people that trust in him. I saw a spinet piano he restrung, and he didn't even take the time to take the copper off the hitchpin end. He ran the copper right through the bridge pins. The bass didn't sound too good in that piano either. He isn't the worst tech around though. I have more horror stories, but no pictures. Regards Richard Strang -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Farrell Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 6:35 PM To: Pianotech Subject: Re: SteinwayM Oh my gawd!!!!!!!!!!! I'm speechless beyond that. I hope that is about as bad as it gets! What a shame indeed - especially if it is a decent instrument and s/he is a decent pianist. Gee whizz, were are the words for this one? I've seen some crap whatevers done to pianos, but this one take the cake! Did someone find a closeout sale on "M" A2 strings for this piano? I'm almost curious what might be the explanation for such wretched work. Terry Farrell ----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Strang" <> > Hi, all, > I thought you all might be interested to see how some tooner here in > Panama restrung this poor Steinway. The bass strings sound absolutely > terrible. I gave the guy a quote to restring the bass, but I think he's just > going to live with what he's got. What a shame. ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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