compression ridges in New Baldwin grand

Richard Brekne
Sat, 27 Sep 2003 01:40:25 +0200

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> > > Oh? Is this all just for your entertainment then?
> >
> >Well... maybe this part... between you and me that is... I mean it has to
> >be good
> >for something doesnt it ??
> Apparently not.
> >Nice duck... but out of context... the quote was in reference to you first
> >saying
> >they do.. then saying they dont. So whats it gonna be there Ron ?? Do you
> >or do
> >you not believe the Compression Crowned Soundboard Design is seriously enough
> >flawed from the start off to warrant not employing its use... period.
> Yes, In my opinion, and for all the reasons I've given on this list, the
> compression crowned board is badly enough flawed in structural design to
> abandon altogether.

Well there you have it... looks like I understood you after all.

> >Do you or
> >do you not believe that the Rib Crowned Board is  superior from a
> >structual point
> >of view, and every bit as good from an acoustic (direction musicality)
> >point of
> >view ?
> Given competent design for each, again, yes, for more times than I can
> remember.

Right again... but then I knew that....

> We are now at the old news too many times repeated stage, and I'm sick of it.

I kinda think we are at the "revealed" stage. But thats just me.

> Goodbye.

What... again ???  Really Ron...

> Ron N

All this because its so hard to deal with somebody saying... it just doesnt add
up... go figure.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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