spinet string repairs/Charles Neuman

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Mon, 26 May 2003 19:05:58 -0700

A couple of tricks: 1. A piece of the appropriate inside diameter player
tubing will hold the string on the hitch pin. 2. Large "bent nose hemostats"
will hold the string on the hitch pin. 3. A small safety pin will allow you
to use the neighboring string to guide the string down to the hitch pin. 4.
A long, straight piece of flat curtain rod, (the olde type), will aid in
guiding the string down to the lower part of the piano. 5. ALWAYS press the
sustain pedal to get the damper out of the way. A wide, rubber, grand mute
is good to wedge the pedal.
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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