Piano Volume, was: To Yamaha, or Steinway... that is the question !

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Wed, 07 May 2003 22:45:00 +0200

Farrell wrote:
> Directly related to this question is something that I am not clear on. Piano volume and its relation to piano size.
>> So what is all this talk about a 9-footer being overkill - I'm assuming overkill = volume (not picking on you Richard, your post just jogged this little cloud out of a closet in my mind).
> I just haven't had the opportunity to compare lots of big and small pianos in the same setting. But I know for a fact that I have tuned many Baldwin Acrosonic spinets that are louder (and not horribly unpleasant) than a pretty fair number of 6 to 7-foot grand pianos.

Louder up front does not necessarilly equate to carry power. Few
instruments have anything like that particular kind of power that the
Steinway sound has,,, for better or for worse however you like it. I've
heard this on a number occasions with the particular comparision of a
Steinway D and a Yamaha 9 foot. The Yamaha sounds dynamite right on top
of it, but gets lost in a big space room. In our hall, the Steinway
would be overpowering me thinks. The Yamaha would have that added length
that contributes so richly to the bass, without the boom box affect.

An Acrosonic ???? Grin.. I can just see that trying to cut it :) I grew
up with a particularilly nice one. They are fine for the home, but for
concert useage... Where's Neil Young ?? :)


> So please, educate me. Anyone?
> Terry Farrell
Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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