Bass Dampers/Sustain Pedal Problem

Roger Jolly
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:16:23 -0600

Hi Gordon,
                      Rebush the hanger clip, Failing that, remove the 
lifter rod and check to see if all the hangers are aligned.
Regards Roger

At 10:57 AM 3/27/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello List.
>Tuned a Keller Bros upright, 1917, which hadn't been tuned in 15
>years.  A2 through A5, 85 cents flat, A6 135 cents flat. Pitch raise
>and fine tuning in 3 very slow passes, no rust and no broken strings,
>pins set fine, no jumpy pins.
>         PROBLEM - dampers from the tenor/bass break, down to A0, would lift
>in a long diagonal sweep, from the break - only a little, down to A0 -
>  nothing.  Dampers from the break up through tenor and treble lifted
>together from the strings with no problems.
>         I did tune the strings by holding the dampers away from the strings,
>striking the key, moving the pins. I explained the problem and
>demonstrated it to the owner so that they did understand why there
>was no sustain in the bass and the played notes sounded with a
>         Will return to the piano as soon as I have some clue as to what to
>look for and correct. Teen age piano student that does practice every
>day, but she says seldom "gets down there".
>         Having never come upon this problem and not finding any example of
>it in trouble shooting sections of my library, I need some direction
>on the possible cause.
>         I have searched the archives, have read back through hundreds of
>filed posts that I have on damper and pedal problems and find nothing
>on this problem.
>         Advance thanks to any help.
>Gordon Holley
>Goshen, IN
>Associate Member
>Indiana Chapter 467
>pianotech list info:

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