"OT" Summary 3-17-03 to 3-23-03

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 11:58:02 EST

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In a message dated 3/26/03 9:33:15 AM Central Standard Time, 
davidskolnik@optonline.net writes:

> So, Wim -
> As per my question addressed to Billy Ballard last week as to whether he 
> thought this current list arrangement was the best we might hope for, your 
> vote would be...YES?  The problem that has brought this issue to the fore 
> is not the occasional OT post.  It has been the tendency for some of these 
> topics, and subscribers, to overwhelm the "room", forcing some participants 
> to walk out.  To be fair, some of the "noise" is not ascribable to OT, but 
> to overposting by individuals (comparable to how loud they might be in your 
> room) , or the nature of such posts (what they have to say).
> David Skolnik, RPT

There can only be a conversation/discussion if more than one person 
participates. If someone lists an OT, but no one participates, then the topic 
is dropped for a lack of responses. Part of the problem, as I see it, is that 
there are some individuals on this list that want to, or feel they have to, 
respond to every single topic that comes across. Some of these people have a 
need to share their opinion with the rest of the world. 

The best way to limit, or even eliminate OT, is not to respond to it.  If an 
individual feels the need, or absolutely has to, respond to an OT, that 
person should do so  privately, and not on the list. (I might have done that 
myself, so I will heed my advice from now on.)


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