Sun, 16 Mar 2003 20:45:28 -0600

Susan, I don't understand some of your terminology here, and I thought I'd
learned to speak fairly fluent Tunese:

There are as many tests as one feels like pursuing, but
in everyday work I tend to focus on three: the tenth test
in the middle range, but only if the timbre of the octave
isn't pleasing me; the sixth test in the bass, ditto, and
I temper fourths, fifths and octaves all the way to the
top and most of the way to the bottom. Octaves the straightest,
then a little curl to the fifths and a little bit bigger curl
to the fourths, but basically making all of the perfect
intervals (4, 5, 8) as clear as possible.

A. "tenth test" 10ths against 3rds? running 10ths? both?

B. "sixth test ... bass" major 6th/minor 3rd? running 6ths?

C. "I temper fourths ..." not sure what you mean here ... extending the
temperament into bass, treble?

D. "Octaves the straightest" purest 6:3s ??

E. "a little curl to the fifths ... little bigger curl to the fourths"  ya
really got me here ... ???

F. "perfect intervals ... as clear as possible" clear=pure?

Appreciate a little comment, thanks,

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

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