July 4th

Dave Davis davistunes@yahoo.com
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 14:37:40 -0800 (PST)

I've always had trouble with the peas falling through
the grill...:-)

And as to the subject, I would absolutely love to go
to the Annual Convention, but as I'm a part-time
"less-experienced" tech, and a full time dad I'm
wouldn't be able to go this year even if it cost $10
and it were within walking distance. I'm looking to go
next year in Nashville, though.  Can't wait until next
March when people on the list start complaining about
having to listen to Country Music!

Thanks to all the folks who volunteer so much time to
make these events happen!!

Dave Davis
Renton, WA

--- J Patrick Draine <draine@attbi.com> wrote:
I'll be home late on the 3rd, looking 
 forward to grilled salmon & peas on my patio  


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