Fw: Need your help on Steinway dampers

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Sun, 27 Oct 2002 18:44:54 -0800

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Does anyone can answer this question?

David I.

Subject: Need your help on Steinway dampers

Can anyone please tell me the configuration of treble damper felts in a Steinway M?  That is, how many flat-trichord, flat-flat pairs, starting at the first unwrapped string #29 and going up to the highest damper #67.  When I stripped the old dampers off I made a record of this to duplicate when installing new dampers, but lost my notes.  Thanks.

Larry Lobel
Virtuoso Piano Service
Petaluma, CA 94952 USA


(707) 762-5800

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