Pin Driving Fluid/Neatness..was "Pinblock Drilling Centering"

Joseph Garrett
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 18:06:11 -0700

That Did It! I've been trying to stay out of this, but the "neat Freak"
comment put me over the edge! No, I don't have any special tool to do the
swabbing of tuning pin holes w/Pin Driving Fluid, (Not McCloskeys Varnish
Crap!!!!). (For the explanation of what is Pin Driving Fluid, see the
 I do it the same way Del showed me 30 years ago....with a spinet hammer
shank and a small "med cup". The med cup has about 3/4" of PDF in it. Put
the spinet hammer shank into the PDF, all the way to the bottom of the cup.
Lift up, and let the PDF drip. When the derned thing quits dripping, insert
it into the appropriate hole and swab away. That will put sufficient amount
of PDF in the hole. Of course, some of us have LESS of a Klutz factor than
others, (I think it's called agility<G>) Now? Wasn't That Easy? [G]
I feel better now. <G>
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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