"Museum" tuners

Tvak@aol.com Tvak@aol.com
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 09:01:34 EDT

In a message dated 10/21/02 7:02:46 AM, cedel@supernet.com writes:

<< I'm not quite sure which part you disagree with.  Certainly I think you 
agree with my last sentence.  My first sentence is just a comment on what one
finds in museums, >>

Why is it that threads get retitled?  This thread, apparently a new one by 
its subject line, is an enigma to me.  I wonder what your "last sentence" 
was?  Or what your "comment on what one finds in museums" was?

I guess I'd just have to hunt to find out what you're referring to, not 
knowing what the previous thread subject line was.

Confused again,

Tom Sivak 

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