Which ETD?

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 00:39:52 +0200

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Well, for my money calling RCT anything but a "single
partial" device is more then a little misleading, because
that is indeed exactly what it is. Beyond its initial
sampling of 5 or 6 A's it listens only to one partial at a
time. Indeed while you are actually tuning the instrument it
is "listening" to only one partial of one note at a time. To
compare this to what the ear does in aural tuning is
directly misleading.

Now dont get me wrong... the RCT does what it does very
well, and the tunings it provides are very good. But it IS a
single partial device that bases its calculations on the
partial ladders of the notes it samples.

> By the way, I think that calling RCT a "single partial"
> device is a little misleading.  The software  listens to
> all partials together, and balances the coincident
> partials into a tuning, just like the ear does.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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