October 2002 Piano Technicians Journal Issue

David Andersen bigda@gte.net
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 21:49:21 -0700

>Bill Garlick again, was the person who taught and spread the idea of 
>individualized aftertouch, a concept I have used ever since I learned it 
>him in 1986.  His 5:4 relationship of contiguous 3rds and individualized 
>aftertouch really ought to merit him the Hall of Fame award.  They represent 
>the highest degree of progress and development in piano technology that each 
>and every one of us can use on a daily basis.

I totally agree with this.  The two weeks I spent with him in the 
unofficial, "evening" portion of my all-expenses-paid stint at the 
Steinway factory (courtesy of Sherman Clay Piano Co.) changed my life 
forever; they validated my natural inclination in tuning and regulation, 
and opened up whole new vistas of using the body as a feedback loop in 
the highest, most precise way.

Huge keystones of craft gleaned from Bill Garlick at that time (1983):
--allowing your body to "memorize" the speed of the C4-E4 major third
--using contiguous thirds
--using fourths and fifths to tune precise, stretched octaves
--trusting your body
--trusting your ears
--finding a way to keep passion for the craft alive every day
--aural regulation of let-off
--the backcheck has a "sweet spot" where the tail of the hammer "feels" 
right, sounds right
--kinesthetic or "feel" regulation of aftertouch, drop, and jack height.
--the "elegant" rise of springs, from s l o w  in the bass to crisp in 
the treble.
--the importance of bedding keyframe; bedding by sound

This man was and is a huge inspiration to me in this work.  He is a 
gentleman in the truest sense of the word, with a fierce intelligence, a 
good heart, and a  context of humor and joy.

Thank you, Bill.

David Andersen

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