Trial of Jorgensen EBVT Figures successful
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 15:51:49 EDT

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To all interested,

I did, after all, have the opportunity to try Jorgensen's calculation for the 
EBVT on an old upright just now.  They worked as well as could be expected, 
better than any other set of figures have.

Admitting that I have very limited experience setting up a program that way, 
I found it to be the most cumbersome process I have ever used: applying one 
set of irrational numbers to another.  I would find it hard to believe that 
no one ever makes a substantial error doing this.  The lady asked me if 
something was wrong with her piano because of the long silence.  She is used 
to me just coming in and actually tuning it, not fiddling around with an 
Accu-Tuner for what seemed an uncomfortably long time.

I'll try to get my scanner working tonight.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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