Explaining Pitch vs Tone

Richard Brekne richard.brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 00:53:01 +0200

 Ron Nossaman wrote:

>>Any good ideas on how to explain tone and pitch???
>>Terry Farrell
>More pitch makes tone wood easier to light, I think, or less pitch makes
>better tone. I don't remember the pitch, exactly, but I think that was the
>You do it just like you'd describe the color taupe to someone who has been
>blind from birth, in a language neither of you are familiar with. Wave your
>arms a lot and speak loudly.
>Pitch is frequency, tone is - enunciation. Your piano's on pitch, but has a
>Brooklyn accent.

Trying to figure out which pitch this was...... it was a forked knuckleball
right ??

>Ron N

Richard Brekne
Griegakadamiet UiB

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