spinet stickers

Robert A. Anderson fandango@dakotacom.net
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 23:27:05 -0700

Keith Gavern wrote: "Viewing it in my mind, if that cross piece isn't
perpendicular to
sticker shank, then it couldn't be normal. Something is warped or
two parts are incorrectly joined together or ?.

If it is normal, how about relocating the sticker guide pin's
hole by
plugging and redrilling?"

It's not that the cross piece is glued on crookedly. The entire shaft of
the sticker is rotated toward the bass. If I tried to move the top of
the sticker, it would interfere with the adjoining sticker before it fit
over its own capstan. Newton's idea of burning the shank will probably
be the cheapest solution. I'll let you all know how that works when I
get back to that piano again.


Bob Anderson

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