"Is she wearing Hearing Aids?"

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Thu, 6 Jun 2002 19:47:31 -0700

Don Rose,
Your next comment, re. Hearing Aids, just is not true! "They have a
generally adverse effect on tunings." !!!!!!!!!
Where have you gotten this bit of mis-information?
I run "Stereo" and have done tests with and without my Hearing Aids, in
regard to the quality of my tunings. My tunings are, hands down, BETTER With
my Hearing Aids!!!
Now, if'n you had said, "does she have an OLD hearing aid, (More than 10
years olde), then I could somewhat agree with your assessment of hearing
deficient elders w/Hearing Aids.
The Hearing Aid Industry is constantly improving, (almost daily!). The
efficiency and clarity of the new "Aids" are nothing short of miraculous,
IMHO. AND, they are getting better and better. The only problem in this
whole industry, is the COST! Wow! A quality pair of "Aids" can cost as much
as a new car!!!!
I hope that you will rethink your comments regarding Hearing Aids.
One last thought: Although, Hearing Aids CANNOT restore hearing to the level
of Natural Hearing, they are getting closer and closer!
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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