tuning speed

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 23:08:53 EST

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In a message dated 1/12/02 3:07:49 AM !!!First Boot!!!, 
greeneguy63@mindspring.com writes:

Joe Garrett said, 
> I feel good if I get a tuning done in under an hour.  

I have always wanted to question this. I don't understand how an experienced, 
seasoned tuner, like Joe, (and others), can take so long to tune a piano. Am 
I, (and a couple of others), the exception to the rule? What do you guys do 
that takes so long? 

When I hear a string out of tune, I put in tune, set the pin and pound the 
key to make sure it stays, and move on. I can do all of that in 5 seconds. At 
240 strings, that's 20 minutes. If I add 2 seconds to move the hammer to the 
next pin, and the mute to the next string, it ads 8 minutes. Sometimes I take 
a little longer, but no where near an hour. (of course, this is on a stable 
piano, that's on pitch).

I can understand a newbie taking longer, but please tell me what you do that 
takes so long? (I'm not picking on you, Joe, I just want to know). 


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