Knot Tying, was: An Awesome Moment

Dave Nereson
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 05:23:56 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: Farrell <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: Knot Tying, was: An Awesome Moment

> Regarding tying knots in wire. I'm not very good at it either, but I do
manage to get the job done when I need to. One little "trick" I use is to
keep my "cheat sheet" in my string box. I scanned the knot tying pictures -
I think I found them in Reblitz - and keep the sheet in my box. I open that
rascal up every time I tie a knot. I figure it's always better to double
check and make sure the little end is going through the right loop in the
right direction, etc. I think I have only had one or two slip on me - likely
goofed up even with my sheet. Usually works real well though.
    Terry Farrell<

    Instead of sheets of paper, get two different colors of large gauge
wire, like house-wiring wire, and, leaving the insulation on, tie your
favorite string-splicing knot using the two colors.  Clip off the excess,
and you have a
"go-by" (something to go by) that you can keep in your kit.  Lay it on top
of the pinblock when you have to do a knot.  One color can represent the
existing string, and the other the piece you're using to splice it
      --David Nereson, RPT, Denver

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