Equal Temperament (long)

Charles Neuman piano@charlesneuman.net
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 20:56:41 -0500 (EST)

Darn, I did it again. It should be 1854, not 1954:

I wrote:
> So, does Jorgensen contradict himself? In 1977 he says that ET existed
> universally after 1954. In 1991 he says that nobody could have tuned ET
> before 1900. I don't think he contradicts himself, really. I think in his
> later book he uses a stricter standard for ET. It's like when people say
> you can't tune ET accurately using Braide White's method, and many today
> aren't tuning ET when they think they are. But I don't think it's fair to
> say that because of that, ET didn't exist at all until it could be tuned
> to pass the RPT exams. It seems that ET existed, in concept and in an
> attempt at practice, in the last part of the 19th century. But it wouldn't
> have satisfied today's tougher standards for an accurate ET tuning.
> Charles

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