punchings leveling

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 10:59:19 -0500

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Welcome, Mr. Beginner!  Rather than answer your specific questions I would like
to make an observation and a suggestion.

I would not depend on this list for all your piano information.  The interaction
may be very thorough on a subject for a period of time, but due to the nature of
this list there are bound to be some important subjects that get missed or maybe
aren't discussed for months or even years.  Of course asking questions is fine,
and you will usually get some helpful information on specific questions that

As someone else suggested, the Reblitz book is a good place to start building a
more complete education.  I would also encourage joining the Piano Technicians
Guild.  The conventions are a source of great interaction in and out of the
classes.  The Journal is so good that I usually read more than half of it every
month.  And there are other publications you are bound to find helpful,
including CD-ROMs.

Welcome to the list,
Clyde Hollinger, RPT
Lititz, PA, USA

Gerald Posey wrote:

> I hope there is room on the list for beginners....   Of course, I have many
> questions....   Hopefully, my naive questions are easy to answer.... [snips]

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