make it heavier

Richard Brekne
Fri, 08 Feb 2002 10:39:02 +0100

John Delacour wrote:

> At 7:51 PM +0100 7/2/02, Richard Brekne wrote:
> >>Removal of some key leads is probably the best and fastest way to
> >>go.  Inertia goes down, and both down weight and up weight will go
> >>up, resulting in  better repitition and feel.
> >>
> >I beg to differ with my respected colleague here. I find adding
> >weights to hammers and removal of appropriate weight amounts from
> >keys to be really about the same amount of work. Actually, if I am
> >being picky about getting a really nice even BW, its perhaps easier
> >with adding weight to hammers. Perhaps its one of those what works
> >for you might not work for others things... I dont know.
> I've never heard of adding weights to the hammers!  The more of the
> lousy lead you can get rid of the better, for the reasons Roger gives.
> JD

Well, grin. Now you have... funny you should have never heard about it.
Its actually quite an old practice and I've seen more examples of it on
old pianos here in Europe then I ever did in the States.  As far as
getting rid of mass is concerned. While I am in agreement that many pianos
include too much mass in their actions, I would be in dissagreement that
getting rid of all of the lead mass would be desireable either. Their are
optimums for everything, and the point of my post was to look for that
useing tools that are at hand.

We are looking for a good balance between the top action and the key on
the front side of the balance rail pin, while at the same time wanting
some level of hammer mass to hit the strings. IMHO The best balance is not
neccessarilly achieved by simply removing lead wherever you can find it.
Course I liked Ed McMorrows book on LWHT or whatever that was called as
well.  But I dont think I will ever go so far in removing leads and hammer
mass to achieve such low levels of mass.

Just my opinion mind you :)

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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