Tuned front duplexes

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 23:08:56 +0100

Ah yes... well... hehe..  figured you had something in mind there.....

Lets see then.. I was just responding to the point brought up by Phil about
sound projection, and Dels response to it.  I thought I had made it pretty
clear that I was simply confirming that a difference in carrying power can be
easily heard when comparing the Steinway 9 footer to the comparable Yamaha. I
also said pretty straid out that I was not speaking to any relationship to the
front duplex... tho I did get a kick out of your quirp about the bass.

Tho I have never actually gone to the trouble of measuring it, I was under the
impression that the Yamaha uses the same configuration as the Steinway for its
front duplex. Combined with the difference in carrying power that sort of
speaks against any relationship between the tuned front duplex and carrying
power to begin with.. So I thought I didnt really need to speak away from the
front duplex issue more then I did.

I mentioned the experience just as a side to the  interesting discussion that
you all have been continuing.

I dont think that if the front duplex actually had anything to do with this
carrying power that taping off would affect it. Speculation on my part... but I
cant see on the surface of it how that carrying power could be so easily turned
off if you get my meaning.

Thanks for your reply.

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> >Grin.... thats quite an amusing misread of my words... but then you did
> that on
> >poipose didnt you...??
> >--
> >Richard Brekne
> Yes and no. I got to thinking after I'd posted that and gone out into
> Service Land, that it probably sounded a tad terse. It wasn't supposed to,
> but I was picking on you as you assumed. Except it wasn't a misread. It was
> because your illustration didn't speak to any relationship of duplex tuning
> to projection, so I wonder why you mentioned it. I also wonder, since I've
> heard the thing about projection with tuned front duplexes too, where are
> the reports of experiments involving listening, then taping off, then
> listening again? I know, tape kills the system, but a small oval bar could
> be slid in under the duplex from the end, then cranked up on edge to
> provide a reasonably solid de-tuned length for a one note difference test.
> Then again, while taping messes up sustain, what does it do to
> "projection"? Obviously not many conclusions can be drawn by comparing two
> distinctly different pianos, but where are the cause and effect experiments
> within one system on the projection thing?
> Here's someone's chance to spend a couple of hours doing "what if", publish
> their findings, become immortal, get on the seminar circuit, and be
> continually misquoted through all remaining eternity. Yes, that's
> "remaining" eternity. We have, after all, already used some up.
> Then again, maybe it's already been done and the results are just being
> misquoted.
> Ron N

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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