Tuning forks

Jim Coleman, Sr. pianotoo@imap2.asu.edu
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 12:00:30 -0900 (PDT)

To whoever it was that asked about a G# tuning fork:

It is a very simple matter to use an A440 fork and set a piano  one
half step lower.

Place a masking tape strip on the fallboard above the sharps and mark
the order of your temperament procedure. Like step 1 over A4, step 
2 over A3 etc.  Then move the masking tape 1/2 step to the right. 
You can now use your A440 fork to tune Bb4 as your step #1. Then 
tune Bb3 as your step #2, etc. Continue on until the temperament 
is finished. Your normal beat rates will be the same as usual.

Neat huh?

If you are good at transposing, you won't even need the masking tape.

Jim Coleman, Sr.

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