Lester Grand

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 14:04:03 -0500

>     What am I missing?
> Ron Shiflet

Maybe the gravity part. If I'm picturing what you've up against correctly, try
this. Grab the fallboard in the center, or thereabouts, tilt it about 45°
forward, lift the cheek blocks, key stop rail and all, up against the fallboard
with the other hand, and pull the whole mess straight out past the sharps and
pinblock at that same 45° angle. 

I don't believe it's possible to get the assembly out without a chainsaw if you
don't think to lift the cheekblocks.   

Case designers love these little monkey puzzles, and we get to be the monkeys.

Ron N

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