Del Fandrich articles 2

Newton Hunt
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 12:56:28 -0400

> "Now in that grotto you see Mr. Yak, and over there 
>  is his wife Yakkity Yak."  Love those Yak burgers!!!

Wonderful meat indeed.  Better for you than beef and just as tasty.

Let's see, I have eaten,

	Bear (not likely again)
	Buffalo (stringing and dry)
	Venison (yum)
	Elk  (quadruple yum)
	Moose (eh)
	Mutton (not my taste)
	Ostrich (good but dry)
	Duck (too fatty)
	Squab (too much work for too little meat)

And very likely things I would not like to talk about.

I love food.


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