getting serious about collecting

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 23:18:42 -0500

>Were you thinking of intimidating this 'person'?
>		Newton
>> We will all be in your area some time in the next two weeks, and would like

No, not at all. Just the mention of the possibility of a peaceful and
friendly gathering of a thousand or so representatives of the profession to
harmlessly discuss the moral obligation the customer has to pay for the
service for which they've contracted. What's wrong with that? What the
neighbors make of it, and the customer's perception of his standing in the
community as a result, is purely coincidental to the process. It's an
educational function - absent malice - and as such, is utterly harmless.
Read the newspaper. It's a wealth of educational pointers.

OK, so delete the reference to the additional invoices for the service
calls. It still kind of appeals.

Ron N

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