getting serious about collecting

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 22:20:56 -0500

>Mark, this is THE most diabolical of all of the responses so far (though Ron 
>N's comes REALLY close), and I, for one, would be happy to contribute.  Even 
>the Teamsters (oops, I probably shouldn't have said that--forget that, would 
>you?) probably haven't done something quite like this. 
>Stan Ryberg 

Not even close, Stan. I bow to the master on this one. I love it! 

How about a little note saying - 

We will all be in your area some time in the next two weeks, and would like
to drop by individually or in groups of fifty, to discuss your options and
opportunities regarding past due payment of a pump organ rebuild invoice.
Pending our visit(s), it is requested that you supply names, addresses, and
telephone numbers of your immediate neighbors so that we may notify them of
the anticipated increase in local traffic to insure adequate parking space,
and to set their minds at ease as to their possible involvement in this
collective action. We anticipate no more than two or three days'  time
being required to wrap this up and be out of your way. We look forward to
your participation and compliance in this endeavor, and your generosity as
it applies to the conservation of the time, trouble, mileage, and resulting
service call invoices of a considerable number of the international piano
technical service community. Thank you for your attention.

With all due regard,
   The Committee

Ron N

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