Buzz Problem

Maxpiano@AOL.COM Maxpiano@AOL.COM
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 22:10:54 EDT

Drat those intermittents!  I stopped at the client's home tonight armed with 
all those recommendations from Del, Jon, Don, Dave (did I forget anybody?) 
for which I am very thankful.  But...

No sign of a buzz, growl or rattle.  Pressing on the souldboard no longer 
causes a scraping sound.  Client said the pedal was squeaking yesterday, but 
that had also stopped.  On my initial visit 2 days ago, I had applied some 
thin CA through holes along one rib, which did no good.  Client said the buzz 
was bad yesterday.  Tonight I took Jon's advice, bought some cheap artist 
brushes and painted thin CA into the nose bolt hole as a hedge against the 
sound returning.  Tapping on the board gives no indication of any loose 

Blame it on changes in humidity and chalk it up to experience, I guess.  I've 
asked the customer to let me know if the sound returns, as I will be passing 
by again in several months.

Thanks again, everybody!

Bill Maxim
Maxim Piano Service
212 Newpark Place
Columbia, SC 29212-8666
(803) 732-9225, FAX (803) 732-2641

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