pianotech-digest V2001 #833

Mark Wisner MWisner@yamaha.com
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 14:53:59 -0700

"From: Brian Trout <grandrestorations@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: getting serious about collecting

Thanks to all of you who did respond.  I don't know
that this person might not respond to being "asked
nicely", he may well indeed.  Time will tell.  But
thanks for the thoughts each of you has taken the time
to send my way.  I appreciate it very much.:"

I've got an idea.  If Brian's customer doesn't pay up soon, why don't we ALL send his customer a letter encouraging them to pay up?  Imagine the impact of getting 1,000 letters from all the geographic nooks and crannies represented by this list hitting Brian's customers mail box at the same time!!   It's gotta have an impact.

Mark Wisner
Piano Service
Yamaha Corporation

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