bore distance: was Re: hammer replacement

David Love
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:10:42 -0000


Another issue is the starting point for the shank.  Boring to the let-off 
point positions the shank slightly higher and reduces resistance at the 
beginning of the key stroke effectively reducing the force required to get 
the key moving.  (I'm sure there's a more technical explanation)

David Love

>From: Newton Hunt <>
>Subject: Re: bore distance: was Re: hammer replacement
>Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 09:41:16 -0400
>Hi David,
>Interesting question you raise.
>I always calculate to string height because that is where the engineer
>determined the optimum mechanical advantage for the action.
>If you measure from bore center to strike point then add 1/8" to an
>imaginary line, that line represents the optimum regulation height for that
>hammer.  No matter whether that point is below or above the actual string
>height.  So, taking that in reverse...
>		Newton

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