Signing off - Sierra Bound

Kevin E. Ramsey
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:40:33 -0700

    Robert,,, You lucky Dawg you. I've done a lot a hiking in the California
Sierras my own self, but usually for less than a week at a time. Say Hi to
God for me while your up there in his own back yard.
    That part of the Muir trail is especially beautiful.
    Everyone should experience that country at least once in their life. It
sounds a little like you're going to feel like you've been in boot camp when
you get home and experience the first hot shower in nine days. You'll have
to shave with a beard trimmer before you can with a blade.  Wish I were
going back with you........ lucky dawg..........

Kevin E. Ramsey
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Goodale" <>
To: "PTG" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: Signing off - Sierra Bound

> Hey folks,
> As of this evening I will be signing off until probably after the
> convention.  I am leaving tomorrow morning for the California High
> Sierra for a 9 day backpacking trip with several other people.  We are
> doing the center portion of the Muir/Pacific Crest trail from south of
> Mammoth Lakes to over Bishop pass.  This will be a backpacking trip of
> about 90 miles with varying elevations ranging up to about 11,500 Ft.
> and no re-supply points.  Yes, it is a serious pack.  Yes, I've done it
> before,  Yes, I am crazy.  Your point?
> I'll see y'all at the convention.
> Rob Goodale, RPT
> Las Vegas, NV

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