Signing off - Sierra Bound

Robert Goodale
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 12:21:56 -0700

Hey folks,

As of this evening I will be signing off until probably after the
convention.  I am leaving tomorrow morning for the California High
Sierra for a 9 day backpacking trip with several other people.  We are
doing the center portion of the Muir/Pacific Crest trail from south of
Mammoth Lakes to over Bishop pass.  This will be a backpacking trip of
about 90 miles with varying elevations ranging up to about 11,500 Ft.
and no re-supply points.  Yes, it is a serious pack.  Yes, I've done it
before,  Yes, I am crazy.  Your point?

I'll see y'all at the convention.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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