Getting paid...

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 14:13:56 EDT

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In a message dated 6/28/01 12:28:18 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> And you know what's next, you can see it coming.  It's
> going on 6 weeks now.  I haven't been able to reach
> them by phone.  At 4 weeks, I did send off a letter
> reminding them that I haven't received payment and
> that I would appreciate them sending it promptly if
> they haven't already.
> I guess the question is, what's next?  If it was just
> a $75 tuning, I could swallow hard and really not miss
> it so badly.  But this bill was about $1000.  (Should
> have been more, but I stuck to my estimate.)  
> Any suggestions on collecting?  
> (This is what I get for 'trusting' a retired pastor.)
> Thanks for letting me vent a bit.  This one's been
> bugging me.
> Take care, all.
> Brian


The only thing I can recommend is every wekk you send them a bill, but add 
interest at 18% per year, figured weekly. 

You said you are unable to reach them by phone. You mean there is no 
answering machine? If there is, I would call everyday and leave a message. 
Sooner or later they'll tired of hearing your voice. 

Last resort would be to ask a lawyer in PA to send these folks a letter. 

Ministers are no better than "ordinary" folks. My wife is a PK (Preacher's 
Kid), and some of the horror stories she has told me about the behavior of 
ministers doesn't give that profession a very good reputation.


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