Replacing Bass Strings

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 10:39:35 EDT

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In a message dated 6/27/01 10:39:15 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Have been asked to replace all bass strings on the Hamilton/Baldwin 5' grand 
> I am working on.  I recall others mentioning that there was no need to 
> loosen the other strings when replacing the wound bass strings.  The harp 
> seems particularly sturdy in this piano with struts on both sides of the 
> section.  I would like to be able to replace the felt under the front 
> duplex section which would require having all the strings off at the same 
> time.  Would this be safe?  Putting the harp in danger of cracking is NOT 
> an option.  What say ye???
> Ed Carwithen


You can take off the bass strings without having to loosen the treble 
strings, without fear of damaging the plate in any way. 

If you want to replace the felt under the treble strings, you will need to 
remove the strings. Now you're getting into a compete restringing job. If 
you're going to go that far, you might as well go all out. After removing the 
strings, lift the plate out. Now you can refinish the plate, and repair and 
refinish the soundboard. As long as you have the plate out, it doesn't cost 
much more to replace the pin block too. But maybe you're getting into an area 
that is over your head. 

If I recall, all you were asked to do is replace the hammers because wine had 
spilled on them. Now we're recommending a complete rebuilding job.  There is 
a big difference. You might want to consider talking to Joe in Portland about 
completely rebuilding the piano, and you taking a commission, rather than 
trying something you've never done before.


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