bass strings

John Schienke
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 08:49:42 -0400

No problem with spreadsheets, that's fine.
You can send us original strings for duplication, a rubbing with which we 
will rescale for you, or rescale yourself and send/fax it in for 
manufacturing.  The additional piece of information we require (or like to 
have) is the hitch pin diameter. Where we can we like to match the diameter 
of the loop on our strings to the ones in the respective piano.  There is no 
need for a large eye if it's not required.  (ie. many Yamaha's tend to use a 
thinner hitch pin around 5/32" while Baldwin's and others could have almost 
a 1/4". Big effect on stretching and settling of the strings).

John Schienke
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