S&S D balance rail pins

Christopher D. Purdy purdy@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 08:57:06 -0400

I am rebuilding a D #142465 (1910 I think) and have noticed something odd.
The balance rail pins are leaning back towards the back of the frame.  They
are at roughly 95 degrees to the keybed.  Same thing in the key mortice.
The problem comes with the key depressed, the back of the key button tends
to hit the balance rail pin.

I noticed when tearing this bird down that although there is a "normal"
amount of balance rail punchings, there was a ton of punchings on the front
rail pins.  I am still bushing keys and fitting them back to the frame so I
am not into regulation yet but I have never noticed this pin angle before.
Have I been asleep or is this weird?


-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.
-School of Music, Ohio University
-Athens, OH  45701
-(740) 593-1656 office
-(740) 593-1429 fax

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