Buzz problem

Jon Page
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 06:49:28 -0400

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I had a similar buzz on a M&H A at the high treble break. I relieved it 
once by prying
slightly on the bridge end against the plate. Yesterday it returned. Even 
the slightest
pressure on the end of the bridge ceased the buzzing (somewhat metallic in 

I applied CA with a brush to the very end of the bridge and the buzzing 
stopped. Loose cap?
It didn't appear to be but the buzz was not of wood to wood, more of a 
string buzzing on the plate.

Try applying CA with a throw-away artist's brush at the bolt hole and 
bridge ends if necessary.
Injecting CA into the panel intermittently may 'find' the culprit too, if 
it's a laminate.

Happy Hunting,
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